Day: May 8, 2020

Taking Care of Yourself

Being healthy is about making the right choices every day. But in this busy world, too many of us make the wrong choices.

It’s up to us to make healthy choices. It’s up to us to take extra precautions to create the safest environment and the healthiest habits that we can. At its most basic level, this means knowing how to take care of ourselves.

Fuel Your Body

You’ll get out of your body what you put into it. If you put in processed junk foods and skip your healthy supplements, you’ll get bad health outcomes. Choose more wisely, and you’ll be healthier.

This begins with your diet. Your best bet for simple, healthy eating is to focus on whole foods. “Whole” foods are the unprocessed ones: Meats, fruits, and (especially) vegetables should be your go-to choices. Don’t stay hungry; just eat the right stuff, and focus on making sustainable changes. In other words: Just eat “real food!”

Supplements can make a great deal of difference, too. Take CBD, for example. CBD is a product that comes from hemp, the same plant that can be dried and smoked like marijuana. Marijuana gets users high because of a compound called THC. As you might have guessed from their different names, though, CBD and THC are not the same thing. CBD won’t get you high, but it does offer a wide range of health benefits. THC will get you high (and may have health benefits, too). Modern hemp cultivators can and do create strains of hemp flower that offer CBD with low levels of THC (and vice versa), so consumers can choose between THC flower and CBD flower. Hemp CBD flower (and other CBD products, including CBD edibles, CBD vape oils, CBD tinctures, and more) like those sold by Plain Jane can be a healthy and sober part of your daily health routine. CBD-rich hemp flower or another CBD product could ease pain or nausea and reduce symptoms of anxiety.


Calendar Your Care

You’ll find a lot of very useful advice for managing your health online, in magazines, and in books. But rarely will these pieces of advice be very specific to you. You’re unlikely to read an article that reminds you that you should head to your local New Jersey audiologist because not everyone needs audiological evaluations in New Jersey.

You might, though! You might need an expert to tell you why you’re experiencing hearing loss. You may have an issue with your outer ear, middle ear, or inner ear. You might need a hearing test or an examination of your ear canal (which includes those parts we mentioned, like the middle ear and inner ear). You may even need hearing aids or a cochlear implant, and you may very well need to head to a specialist, not just a primary care physician. Then you may need to go back regularly for audiology care, whether you have hearing loss right now or are worried about hearing loss in the future (and who isn’t?).

Or maybe it’s the eye doctor. Or maybe it’s the ear, nose, and throat doctor. The bottom line is this: Habits won’t help you make your doctor’s appointments. Do yourself a favor and create a calendar that will ensure that you’re reminded of every appointment with every specialist you need to see.


On the Move

Your body wasn’t designed to sit still all of the time. If you’re going to be healthy, then you’re going to need more than just healthy food, smart supplements, and medical care. You’re going to need exercise, too.

You can’t “outrun your fork,” as one old saying goes, so don’t view exercise as a substitute for healthy eating (or, for that matter, for medical treatments or for supplements like CBD). But you should view exercise as an essential supplement to these other healthy choices. Getting moving can improve your mental health and your physical health, and experts say that just 150 minutes of exercise a week can make a huge difference in your health.