Living with an addiction is hard. Living with a person who is having a hard time overcoming their addiction can be even harder. When you’re young with no responsibilities it is easy to sweep addiction under the rug by saying to yourself “it’s only a phase.”
This may be the case for some people but for others, it could be the beginning of a battle. When you’re trying to help your addicted friend or relative overcome their battle with addiction, it is important to have a lot of patience and understand that although it is frustrating for you to deal with mishaps, it is an everyday struggle for them to deal with their problem.
Avoid Triggers
The first step in helping a loved one with their addiction is to know what triggers them. In many cases, addicts are sober for long periods of time and then “fall off the wagon.” This fall doesn’t usually happen for no reason. Sometimes the person has just reached their boiling point with everything happening around them or they are triggered by emotion and it sets them spiraling down a wormhole. Have a long chat with them and try to determine how they are feeling before they decide to use their substance of choice. It may help for them to keep a journal to help track feelings that are overwhelming and urges.
If you are interested in keeping your writing on hand all of the time so you can jot down your thoughts as they occur, a digital journal might be another option for you.
Don’t Micromanage
Although it is a good idea for your loved one not to have access to cash money or assets they can pawn for cash, they must still feel as though they have some freedom. Micro-managing can make an adult feel as though they’re being treated like a child. This is especially true for alpha leaders who work hard and feel as though they should be able to spend their earnings as they please, even though it may be hurting them. Limit micro-management and speak to them with endearment when you tell them you’re decreasing their access to certain things to help them.
Take The Road To Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation can be possible with the help of professionals and the support of loved ones. There are centers like the Los Angeles drug rehabilitation center that offers a variety of in-patient and out-patient support. If your loved one is working there are evening and intensive outpatient options that are available.
Professional medical help is expensive but there are short term health insurance options that will accommodate your needs. If you’ve missed the Healthcare Marketplace deadline for the year, you can still find the best short term health insurance that will cover you and your family for a reasonable rate.
Addiction is tough but there are options. The best way to help your loved one is to ensure that you aren’t centering your life around their addiction because you might find yourself feeling down. If your loved one left and went on a binge, don’t stay home and wait up for them. Go see that movie you wanted to see or take a long walk by yourself. Take care of yourself and try not to be angry with them.
Tell your loved one how it makes you feel when they go out on their binges, tell them how much it disappoints you when you’re unable to go places with them because of their addiction and above all else tell them that even though you’re disappointed with their actions you still care for them and want them to seek help even if you have to go to appointments and sessions with them.